IFCO has listed some useful links for those interested in Foster Care in different parts of the world. These include some of our major partners and donors, some general Foster Care information and some of the fostering service providers we work with around the world.

Major IFCO Partners
Quality4Children work with IFCO to raise quality standards in Europe for children and young people in out of home care. www.quality4children.info
SOS Children’s Villages takes part in the Quality4Children Project. www.sos-childrensvillages.org/
The DEFT Project is a partnership between IFCO and other organizations for the Development of European Fostering Trainings www.deft-project.eu
FICE – The International Federation of Educative Communities, also part of Quality4Children. www.fice-inter.org/
Major IFCO Donors
Fonds 1818 www.fonds1818.nl
Haella Stichting www.haella.nl
Stichting Kinderpostzegels www.skn.nl
Cooperating Netherlands Foundations www.cooperatingnetherlandsfoundations.nl
Oranjefonds www.oranjefonds.nl
VSB Foundation www.vsbfonds.nl
City Council of The Hague www.denhaag.com
General information
Children as Partners is a place for young people and adults for child participation can meet and share information. www.iicrd.org/cap/
Children's Defense Fund. www.childrensdefense.org
EUROCHIPS is an European-wide network working on behalf of children separated from an imprisoned parent. www.eurochips.org/
European Convention on the Rights of the Child. conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/Treaties/Html/160.htm
Famous foster children on this website, from Mandela to Marilyn… www.dils.aber.ac.uk/dils/research/RFocus9/staf_rrf.htm
Information on the IFCO Conference 2005. http://www.fostering.us/
Information on the IFCO Conference 2007. http://www.ifconz07.org.nz/
Innocenti research Center is the UNICEF's Research Institute and Virtual Library. http://www.unicef-icdc.org/
ISPCAN is the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. www.ispcan.org
Links to worldwide institutions carrying out research on childhood. www.child-abuse.com/childhouse/research/index.html
The Child Rights Information Network. www.crin.org
The Global Movement for Children is a global movement of organizations and people uniting efforts to build a world fit for children. www.gmfc.org/
The New Website of the Better Care Network. www.bettercarenetwork.org
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm
The website of the Better Care Network – facilitating global exchange around children without adequate family care. www.bettercarenetwork.org
UNICEF's Worldwide website with links to every country. www.unicef.org
Website for the European Network of Children and Youth Mentoring Organizations. www.enymo.org
Website of the European Network of National Observatories on Childhood. www.childoneurope.org
IFCO networks
Red Latino Americana para el Acogimiento Familiar (RELAF). A Latin American network for IFCO members. http://relaf.ifco.info/

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